4 Monte Alto Way
Santa Fe, NM 87508
505-231-1382 (mobile)
EDUCATIONAL ITEMS (Chronological Order):
1969: High School Diploma; Troy High School, Troy, OH.
1975: B.S. Chemistry and B.S. Psychology; Wright State University, Dayton, OH.
1979: Ph.D Pharmacology; "Benzodiazepine Receptor Studies" (thesis), University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY.
1980: Post-Ph.D; "Endogenous Valium Receptor Polypeptide Research"; Biomedical Institute, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX.
1990-1997: Post-Ph.D; "Global Climate Modeling"; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Plant Biology, Stanford University, Stanford CA.
2004-2008: Supplemental Education; "Imaging, Audio/Video, and 3D Animation Applications"; Santa Fe Community College (SFCC), Media Arts Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
WORK ITEMS (Reverse Chronological Order): {"..." = Ongoing}
2019... (Technician, Full-Time Employee): Capitol Computer and Network Solutions, Santa Fe Region, New Mexico. Shop bench technician doing all aspects of computer repair, digital device system administration, and related retail customer service. Old and New Digital Hardware and OS's; Apple, Windows, Linux, Networking.
2018 (Part-Time Employee): Unisys Dell Warranty Repair, Santa Fe Region, New Mexico. Two months Training; Repaired: Latitude 5450, E5570; Precision 3510, 7510, 7520, 7710, 7720; Optiplex 3040, 5040, 5050MT, 7040, 7040SFF, 9020.
2017-2018 (Consultant): Computer Helper for Seniors, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Home Networks, Computers, Cell Phones, Printers. 10 customers.
2017-2018 (Instructor): Computer Technology for Seniors, Eldorado Senior Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Web Browsers, Cell Phones, Networks, Peripherals, OS/Apps Configuration, Self-Empowerment. 15 students.
2014-2015 (Member): Voting Member Of The Santa Fe County US 285 South Highway Corridor District Planning Committee, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Land Use Decisions. Compromise Process. Concerning 50 businesses, 4000 residents.
2012-2015 (Board Director): Community-Elected Board Director, for Eldorado Community Improvement Association (ECIA), Santa FE, NM. Community Management. 7000 residents.
2012 (Solar Advocate): PNM Customer Electricity Usage Analysis For The 87508 Zip Code To Estimate Required Solar Farm Size, Ally With Santa Fe Sierra Club, Santa FE, NM. Monthly PNM Customer Data Extract, Microsoft Excel, Java 8.
2011-2017 (Sustainability Advocate): Member of Sustainable Eldorado Residents Alliance (SERA), Eldorado/285 Recycles (E285R), and 285 Alliance (285ALL) Groups, Santa FE, NM.
2006... (Business Owner): Owner/President of Science Business Software, Inc. Environmental Simulation Software. Java 8u213, Swing/FX/3D, Windows XT/7/8/10, Apple MacBook Pro OS-X 10.15, iPhone 7 iOS 13.1.3.
2005 (Employee): Chemistry Tutor, Santa Fe Community College (SFCC), Santa Fe, New Mexico. Overviews, Homework. 50 students overall.
2004-2008 (Volunteer): St. John's Soup Kitchen, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and Parish, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Cook, Delivery.
2004-2008 (Volunteer): The Food Depot, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sorter, Delivery.
2001-2004 (Participant): Non-Voting Member Of The Santa Fe County US 285 South Highway Corridor District Planning Committee, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Land Use Decisions. Heated Debates.
2001-2017 (Permanent Disability Sick Leave): Underwent Abdominal Cancer Surgeries and Therapies Over 5 Year Period. Still affected.
1999-2001 (Employee): Program Leader, National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR), Santa FE, NM. Java 1.5, Swing, Sun Solaris Multi-CPU, Linux, Windows, GCG, Blast, Open Source development. GeneX Gene Expression Microarray Data Storage/Analyzer Development. Managed 7 employees and 3 consultants.
1999 (Employee): Bioinformatician, Stanford Medical Center, Department of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Peter Small Tuberculosis Lab, Stanford, CA. Molecular Fingerprint Analyzer, Java 1.1, Visual Basic.
1998-1999 (Consultant): Owner, Science Business Software DBA, Mountain View, CA. Perl, CGI, Linux-Apache-WebServer, Java Chat, Protein 3D Database, C, RFLP Fingerprinting, Visual Basic. 5 major clients.
1997-1998 (Employee): Bioinformatician, Functional Genomics Researcher, Mendel Biotechnology, Hayward, CA. As SysAdmin: Set up a Sun/W95/NT/Mac 100BaseT Intranet and company Telephone System. As Plant Functional Genomics Software Developer: Perl, CGI, HTML, Java, C, Oracle, MS Access 97, Visual Basic, DNA Sequence Analysis, Pangea/Incyte/OxfordMolecular Software, Blast, GCG, T-DNA Experimental Data.
1990-1997 (PostDoctoral Fellow): Global Climate Change Scientist, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Plant Biology, Dr. Joseph A. Berry Lab, Stanford, CA. ObjC, C, Fortran77, Matlab, Mathematica, Windows, Solaris, NeXT, Earth Satellite DB's, NASA EOS Program, CSUGCM; Kansa Konza Prarie, Canadian Boreal Forest, and Biosphere 2 Ecosystem Simulations.
1990-1991 (Consultant): Technical Writer, Eastman Kodak, Technical Publications, Rochester, NY. Apple MacIntosh SE30, Word. Technical Documentation of the KAR Microfiche System for the State of Michigan.
1989-1990 (Employee): Manager of Systems Test Engineering, ARIX Corporation, San Jose, CA (defunct). Unix/OS. Multi-CPU custom-built mini-computers. Managed 12 employees.
1988-1989 (Employee): Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Fujitsu Microsys of America, San Jose, CA. Pick/OS. Custom-built mini & personal computers.
1986-1988 (Employee): Software Systems Engineer, Ultradata Corporation, Pleasanton, CA. Pick/OS, Data/BASIC. Credit Union Banking software.
1985-1986 (Contractor): Software Systems Engineer, Eastman Kodak, BIS, Rochester, NY. Pick/OS, Data/BASIC. KAR Microfiche System software.
1984-1985 (Contractor): Software Systems Engineer, Rotelcom Data Inc., Fairport, NY. IBM PL/1. Telephone Billing System software.
1983-1984 (Consultant): Software Systems Engineer, Hartman Material Handling, Victor, NY (defunct). DEC PL/1. Automated Warehousing software.
1980-1983 (Consultant): Software Systems Designer, Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY. Sharp APL. Management software for Xerox World Headquarters. Handled all phases of software production. Managed 2 employees.
1980-1980 (PostDoctoral Fellow): Biomedical Researcher, "Endogenous Valium Receptor Polypeptide Research", Biomedical Institute, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX (with Dr. Karl Folkers). Cell-Receptor Assays, Sephadex Gel Filtration.
1975-1979 (Doctoral Fellow): University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY. DEC8-Assembly, DEC9-Fortran, DEC10-APL, Neurophysiology Experiments, Cell-Receptor Assays.
1975-1979 (Employee): Summer Research Employee, "Opiate Peptide Research", Pennwalt Pharmaceuticals, Rochester, NY. Rat Hot Plate pain-mitigation assessments, Brain Canula peptide injections.
REFERENCES BY CATEGORY: {Work Role: [ReferencePerson (Relationship); Miscellaneous Contact Info]}
Scientific Simulation Programmer: [Joe Berry (Supervisor); Acting Director, Carnegie Institution Global Ecology, Stanford, CA, (650) 646-3830,,].
Scientific Simulation Programmer: [Chris Field (Close Collaborator); Director, Stanford Woods Institute For The Environment, Stanford, CA (650) 736-4352,].
Bioinformatician: [Chris Somerville (Supervisor); Board President, Mendel Biotechnology, (650) 722-3397,].
Bioinformatician: [Callum J. Bell (Supervisor); President, National Center for Genome Resources, (505) 982-7840,].
Volunteer Instructor of Information Technology for Seniors: [Teresa Casados (Supervisor); Director, Santa Fe County Senior Services, (505) 992-9848,,].
Elected Community Manager: [Dag Ryen (Close Collaborator); Past Board President, Eldorado Community Improvement Association (ECIA), (505) 466-4248,].
Appointed Santa Fe County 285 Corridor Planner: [Robert Griego (Supervisor); Planning Manager, Santa Fe County Planning Department, (505) 986-6215,,].
Recycling Advocacy: [Joe Eigner (Close Collaborator); Founder, Eldorado/285 Recycles (E285R), (505) 570-0583,,].
Recycling Advocacy: [Adam Schlachter (Interacted Frequently); Past Director Public Outreach Coordinator, Santa Fe Environmental Services Division, (no contact info for new position at State of Delaware Recycling Strategic Planning)].
Residential Solar Advocacy: [Teresa Seamster (Interacted Frequently); Chair, Northern New Mexico Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, (505) 466-8964,,].
Residential and Solar Farms Advocacy: [Craig O'Hare (Interacted Frequently); Past Energy Programs Specialist, Santa Fe County Public Works Department, (unknown current contact info)].
Solar and Recycling Advocacy: [Kathy Holian (Interacted Frequently); Past Commissioner 4th District, Santa Fe County Board, (unknown current contact info, except living on Glorieta Mesa)].
Volunteer Food Sorter and Deliverer: [Sherry Hooper (Supervisor); Executive Director Food Depot, (505) 471-1633 x110,,].
Political Discussions: [Ed Moreno (Interacted Occasionally); Commissioner 5th District, Santa Fe County Board, (505) 986-6210,, Liaison:].
Personal Discussions: [Eduardo Krasilovsky (Best Friend); Eldorado Resident, (505) 986-1346,].
PUBLICATION ITEMS (Reverse Chronological Order):
2001: Mangalam, H., Stewart, J., Zhou, J., Schlauch, K., Waugh, M., Chen, G., Farmer, A., Colello, G. and Weller, J., GeneX: an open source gene expression database and integrated tool set, IBM Systems Journal, 40(2), 552-569, 2001.
1998: Colello, G.D., Collatz, J.G., Sellers, P.J., and Berry, J.A., Modeling of energy, water, and CO2 flux in a temperate grassland ecosystem with SIB2: May through October, 1987. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 1141-1169, 1997. (Probably my best publication. Full PDF article with colorfigure.)
1997: Berry, J.A., Sellers, P.J., Randall, D.A., Collatz, G.J., Colello, G.D., Denning, S. and Grivet, C., SiB2. A model for simulation of biological processes within a climate model, in: Scaling up from cell to landscape, eds P. Van Gardingen et al, 347-369, 1997.
1996: Denning, A.S., Collatz, G.J., Zhang, C., Randall, D.A., Berry, J.A., Sellers, P.J., Colello, G.D. and Dazlich, D.A., Simulations of terrestrial carbon metabolism and atmospheric CO2 in a general circulation model. part 1: surface carbon fluxes, Tellus, 48, 521-542, 1996.
1996: Sellers, P.J., Randall, D.A., Collatz, G.J., Berry, J.A., Field, C.B., Dazlich, D.A., Zhang, C., Colello, G.D., and Bounoua, L., A revised land surface parameterization (SiB2) for atmospheric GCMs. part 1: model formulation, J. Clim, 9(4):676-705, 1996.
1994: Berry, J.A., Sellers, P.J., Randall, D.A., Collatz, G.J., Colello, G.D., Denning, S. and Grivet, C., SiB2C, a model for simulation of biological processes in climate models, J. Exper. Bot., 45(suppl), 5, 1994.
1991: Colello, G.D., Book: Kodak KAR Microfilm System Documentation for the State of Michigan Credit Reporting, pp. 1128, 1991.
1980: Colello, G.D., Chisolm, J., Heusner, J., Kellogg, C., and Bosmann, H.B., The benzodiazepine receptors from birth to old age, Life Sci, 1980.
1980: Colello, G.D., Ph.D. Thesis: Benzodiazepine receptor studies, University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1980.
1979: Distefano, P., Case, K.R., Colello, G.D., and Bosmann, H.B., Increased specific binding of H3 diazepam in rat brain following chronic diazepam administration, Cell Biol. Inter. Rep., 3: 163-167, 1979.
1978: Colello, G.D., Case, K., and Bosmann, H.B., Competitive inhibition of benzodiazepine binding by fractions from porcine brain, Proc Natl. Acad. Sci., 75: 6319-6323, 1978.
1978: Colello, G.D., Case, K., and Bosmann, H.B., Benzodiazepine binding in rat brain, The Pharmacologist, 20: 273, 1978.
1977: Colello, G.D., The neural aspects of sex. Chapter in: The University of Rochester Medical School Neural Sciences Manual, 1977.
2001: Invited Speaker. Plant & Animal Genome IX Conference, Genomic Computing Techniques and Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA.
2001: Session Chair and Invited Speaker. Cambridge Healthtech Institute's Molecular Analysis for Research and Diagnostics conference, Molecular Profiling session, San Diego, CA.
2012: Presentation. "Estimation of the Size of a Solar Farm Needed to Replace PNM Customer Electricity Usage Patterns Within The 87508 Zip Code", Santa Fe County Public Works Department, Santa Fe, NM, Invited By Craig O'Hare.
2016: Public Witness. Using my experiences as an Eldorado homeowner and Board Director, I gave public testimony to New Mexico State Joint Assembly Panel, "Problems With Home Owners Associations", New Mexico State Capitol "The Roundhouse", Santa Fe, NM.
2001: Co-author on U.S. Patent application titled "Method and Apparatus for Gene Expression Data Storage, Retrieval and Analysis", filed January 26, 2001 as continuation of provisional applications Ser. No. 60/178,554 and 60/216,172.
2001: Co-author on U.S. Patent application titled "N-dimensional coordinate mapping database method and apparatus", filed April 17, 2001; Ser. No. 60/284,156.